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AARRR model common indicators


  1. Number of channels
  2. Channel conversion rate
  3. Daily new users DNU
  4. Number of APPs downloaded daily
  5. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)


  1. Daily Active Users – DAU
  2. Weekly Active Users – WAU
  3. Monthly Active Users – MAU
  4. Page Views – PV (WEB)
  5. Number of unique visitors – UV (APP)


  1. The retention rate of the next day = the activity of the first day active in the next day (the number of DNUs) / the total number of DNUs on the first day
  2. Three-day retention rate = activity on the first day of the third day (number of DNUs) / total number of DNUs on the first day
  3. Seven-day retention rate = activity on the first day of the seventh day (number of DNUs) / total number of DNUs on the first day
  4. Thirty-day retention rate = activity on the first day of the 30th day (number of DNUs) / total number of DNUs on the first day
  5. The standard retention rate for the next day is 40%, 30% for the 7th day, and 20% for the 30th day.


  1. Revenue = AU X PUR X ARPPU Revenue = number of active users X user payment rate X average revenue per paying user
  2. PUR = APA / AU User payment rate = number of paying users / total number of active users
  3. ARPU = Revenue / AU Average Revenue Generated by Users = Total Revenue / Total Active Users
  4. ARPPU = Revenue / APA Average Paying User Revenue = Total Revenue / Number of Paying Users
  5. APA = AU X PUR Number of paying users = number of active users X user payment rate


  1. Forwarding rate = number of users who share the function / total number of users who see the function
  2. K factor = the number of new users brought by each old user K > 1 will grow, similar to snowballing K < 1 stop growing after a certain amount

Xem giải thích chi tiết: AARRR model (detailed explanation of model data indicators)

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